Hope you enjoy viewing my new website. I have chosen a selection of recent paintings to give you an impression of my work. Future new images will include work from this years big painting trip to Scotland’s Western Isles, in particular the Uists. I try to make frequent visits to places that inspire my work and usually make one or two longer visits each year. This years main trip was earlier than usual so I saw lots of birdlife while painting on the beaches and the machair – redshanks, arctic terns, greenshanks, arctic skus, the ubiquitous oystercatcher, families of eider ducks and on several occasions golden eagles. The weather was ideal so I was able to paint and draw outdoors every day. Paintings from this trip are currently in development and should be on this website before too long. Work from this and previous trips can be seen at galleries throughout Britain – see the links page to view paintings at these galleries.
This Saturday (27th July) The Tolquhon Gallery, at Ellon in Aberdeenshire, opens it’s summer show in which I have several paintings.
I have also learned that two of my paintings have been accepted for the Macmillan Cancer Support Exhibition ‘Inspired’ being held at Bonhams in Edinburgh from the 14th – 17th August. Last years Macmillan show was great, with a huge variety of artists entering work. The sale of my work raised over £800 for the charity. The images below are my entries for this year.